Miley Cyrus was born on November 1992 and started her acting career in Doc and Big Fish where she had minor roles in 2006 but she is best known for her role as Hannah Montana in a Disney TV drama.
She released her debut album in 2007. After she attended CNN Heroes 2011 in December, both fans and journalists started speculating whether or not she had a boob job plastic surgery.
One magazine consulted 3 plastic surgery experts and one of them gave an opinion that they looked nice and round and like they had been done. They suggested that she may have had small breast implants to suit her small frame. She denied having anything done and some journalists believe so too.
The breasts have turned a lot of attention to her appearance and she is definitely getting what she is seeking. A lot of media and fan attention.
Miley Cyrus knows what it takes to create the attention she deserves. She would have required parental consent to have them done because of her age.
Speculators believe that she had her face, general look, nose, and smile have changed very suddenly. This may be because her career depends on how good she looks. She has great natural looks and is certainly rising in her profession while still very young.
Rumors or not the difference can be seen and before and after photos do not lie.
In the pictures, she has posted of herself on twitter her nose seems to have been made slimmer with nose job surgery.
Others think that she also had some cosmetic dentistry done as well. This procedure is the gingivectomy which reduces the amount of gum shown when you smile. She looks absolutely stunning.
In another picture online, she appears to have had butt implants for Christmas. This one is not for real.
There have been rumors that her lips look fuller as a result of lip injections. This she has also denied.
Whether or not she has gone under the knife, Miley Cyrus has features that have changed. This may be attributed to naturally growing up but some look too accentuated to be normal growth. Some credit her enlarged breasts to push bras and her lips to use of cosmetics.
It is very difficult to distinguish whether her denials are real or just cover-up. Whatever the reason, the truth will be eventually known. Plastic surgery does get to be noticed and needs to be maintained. The after-effects cannot be covered up.
As the rising star continues in her quest for fame and a successful career, she may well opt to go for further enhancements which will not evade the public’s eyes. She certainly looks stunning and even her recent makeover has put her in the limelight as she gets great reviews on her looks and continues to get more roles.
Her fans have rushed to her defense that her look is all-natural and she is just going through a normal growth phase. Only time will tell the truth about Miley Cyrus plastic surgery.